Wednesday, October 26, 2011

30 Second Video About Me.

Hey guys!

This is a 30 second video about me I made as part of the application process for Reel Fx University.

I hope you enjoy it!

30 Second Vid about Me. from DJ Martin on Vimeo.

Thanks for watching!

DJ Martin

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Demo Reel

Hey Guys,

I graduated from Full Sail University on the 1st of July! My demo reel is done and now it's time to step out and start looking for a job in the industry. It seems like school flew by so quickly looking back on it. I feel that I'm definitely prepared for what's ahead though thanks to the great faculty at Full Sail and I can't wait to start working!

Here's my demo reel. Hope you like it!

Demo Reel from DJ Martin on Vimeo.


DJ Martin

Sunday, May 22, 2011

New Update!

Hey guys!

I forget which week we're in now so I'll have to cone up with a more creative title for the next update. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I've been pretty busy working on my animation for PCC3. This month I'm working on a dialogue and I think it's going pretty well so far. There's still plenty of work to do on it obviously, but I hope you like it!

Martin_DJ_LipSync from DJ Martin on Vimeo.

DJ Martin

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week Eight Update!

Hey guys,

Sorry for the late entry. I recently got back from spring break back home in Chicago. It was nice to take a week off and relax for a bit. Before I went on break I finished PCC2 and even had time to work on an extra quadruped run cycle. I didn't have time to finish the extra run cycle before break but I got a good amount of work done on it.

I start PCC3 tomorrow and that means working on my dialogue which I'm really excited for!

Here's my finished animations from PCC2 and the extra quadruped run cycle I worked on. Hope you like them!

Game Animation: Walk1 from DJ Martin on Vimeo.

Game Animation: Run1 from DJ Martin on Vimeo.

Game Animation: KB1 from DJ Martin on Vimeo.

Game Animation: Attack1 from DJ Martin on Vimeo.

Untitled from DJ Martin on Vimeo.

Critiques are welcome!


DJ Martin

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Week Seven Update!

Hey guys,

I'm definitely making good progress this month. I just finished my third week of PCC2 and I've got all 4 of my game animations pretty much done. I still have some things to tweak in the graph editor, but over all I feel pretty happy about the way they came out. I even had time this week to go back and improve my PCC1 asset!

I'm really impressed with the level of improvement of not only me, but all the animators in my class. It seems like we've improved alot just from PCC1 to PCC2. I can't wait to see the quality of animation we'll be producing in the future! I know I've still got A LOT to learn, but I'm happy with my progress.

Four videos for you this week! I finished my knock back animation and worked on my first 3 assets from this month and here they are for your viewing pleasure! Hope you enjoy!

Game Animation: Knock back from DJ Martin on Vimeo.

Game Animation: Attack from DJ Martin on Vimeo.

Game Animation: Run from DJ Martin on Vimeo.

Game Animation: Walk from DJ Martin on Vimeo.

DJ Martin

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Week Six Update!

Hey guys!

I'm into my second week of PCC2 now and I feel like I've had a really productive week! I had lab everyday this week so I had alot of time to work on my run cycle and ended up getting it to a point where I can start fine tuning it early. So since I had time I started on my attack animation and actually got that to the fine tuning stage too!

I got a really good critique from Sean Springer, the art director of animation, and I'm mainly working in the graph editor now to work out some kinks and making small adjustments. I'm really excited to see where these end up!

Three videos for you this week!

For some reason Viddler sped up the end of the videos so the timings a bit off at the end. You get to see two good cycles on the run and walk at least before it speeds up. The timing on the attack seems to be right up to the exhale.

DJ Martin

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Week Five Update!

Hey guys!

I finished PCC1 and this week was my first week of PCC2. This month I have 4 game animations to work on which means I'll be animating, roughly, one animation each week. This first week I worked on my walk cycle.

Since spring break lands on this month I actually only have 3 weeks to do 4 game animations. Luckily, they're all already blocked out. So it shouldn't be too hard to finish them. I just hope I can get them looking the way I want them too before months end.

Here's my walk cycle. I hope you like it!

DJ Martin

Friday, March 25, 2011

Week Four Update!

Hey guys,

I just finished my fourth week of PCC1 and I move onto PCC2 starting Tuesday. That means I'll start work on my second asset for my demo reel which includes a walk cycle, a run cycle, a knock back animation, and an attack animation. Even though I'm done with the month dedicated to my first asset it doesn't mean I'm not gonna continue to touch it up.

Here's what I have so far! Hope you like it!

DJ Martin

Friday, March 18, 2011

Week Three Update!

Hey Guys,

Another weekly update is here! I've finished 3 weeks of PCC now and start my final week on Monday. I think I've made some really good progress this week and also added in some pretty big changes to my animation. Thanks to a suggestion from Conrad, I decided to put the girl's hand on her hip as she walked and I think it really added to the character of the walk. Thanks to a critique from Sean Springer, I also changed the sculptors animation so that he walks around the statue now and gets pushed down instead of trying to jump past it. I think both of these major changes helped out the animation a ton.

I hope you guys like it!

DJ Martin

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week Two Update!

Hey guys,

So I'm done with week two of class and it feels like the month is just flying by! Something about Full Sail makes time seem to flow in such a different way than normal. Maybe it's that I'm always working on something perhaps. Either way time has flown by, but I feel like I've gotten alot of work done over the past two weeks on my animation.

I feel like I've made alot of improvements on my animation just from week one to week two. I'm happy with my pacing and where I'm at in the animation at this point in the month, yet at the same time I feel like I could be doing so much better. I guess that's one of the things about animation. You never quite feel like it's done.

I've gotten some really awesome critiques from Conrad, Barry Temple this week though and they both are pleased with my animation and my progress so that's always good to hear. I've started adding in a little bit of over lap to certain parts of the animation and changed up a couple poses to promote less confusion over all. I really like the direction my animation is taking and I hope it only continues to improve as the month goes on!

Hope you enjoy it!

DJ Martin

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week One Update!

Hey guys,

I made it through my first week of PCC(Portfolio Content Creation) and I've already had to make some pretty big changes to my first asset. My first asset is the animation with sculptor. I've had a few good critiques this week from my teachers, especially Barry Temple, who gave me some good advice on getting better silhouettes out of my animation.

That involved some big changes, mainly switching the hammer and chisel to opposite hands. Which meant redoing the constraints and redoing pretty much the first three quarters of my animation for the sculptor character. It was alot of work but it was definitely worth it!

After my first animation lecture with Sean Springer I decided to start working in linear which I think will definitely speed up my work process. I used to go straight from stepped into plateau or spline, but working in linear is a nice in between, if not first, step before going into spline.

I know there's still a lot of timing issues to work on and I still need to add a couple poses in, but this is just after one weeks worth of work. Anyway without further delay here's how my animation looks after my first week of working on it. Hope you enjoy it!

For some reason the video stops at exactly 10 seconds. It's supposed to go a little past 10 seconds but not quite 11 seconds. I blame viddler for probably rounding down to 10 seconds. Oh well, all that happens is that the statue zips off to the right after the girl.

DJ Martin

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

From the beginning!

Hey guys,

I've decided to start this blog both as a temporary website, and a way to show my improvement as I work on my demo reel. I'm a student at Full Sail University and I'm currently working on a degree in Computer Animation. I'm kinda new to this whole blog thing so you're gonna have to bear with me. I'm sure I'll get better at it as time goes on. For now though let's go ahead and get into the good stuff...


I'm gonna take you guys with me as I complete my demo reel so you'll get to see it at various stages of completion the further we go along. This first video is what I worked on during ANP or animation pre production and it's basically a very rough cut of my demo reel with all my animation barely into stepped. I know lots of it is going to change and I'll post the changes on here as I get them done! I hope you enjoy!

Rough Demo Reel Animatic

Thanks guys,

DJ Martin